Administration R2
OneStream Certified Associate in Administration R2
Certified Associates in Administration have the knowledge, skill, and experience to build, maintain and adjust various facets of OneStream’s unified financial platform.
OneStream Certified Associates in Administration are capable of building, maintaining, and adjusting the various facets of OneStream’s unified financial platform as well as enabling new and existing users. They are knowledgeable in areas of accounting and finance with excellent technology skills related to product implementation. OneStream Certified Associates in Administration have hands-on experience with the OneStream platform and a track record of successfully providing support or enablement for OneStream implementations.
The OneStream Certified Associate in Administration Exam Study Guide is a way to learn more about how to prepare for the exam.

Exam Details
The OneStream Certified Associate (OCA) in Administration R2 exam is delivered in a live, proctored, cloud-based lab environment.
OS-102 Exam Details:
- Number of Questions: 60 multiple-choice items and 8 performance-based items
- Exam Duration: 2.5 hours
- Languages: English
- Exam Price: $1,000 USD or country currency equivalent

Test Day Requirements
There are several systems that work together to deliver OneStream Software exams. It is essential for you to test requirements of each system PRIOR to your scheduled reservation to avoid issues on test day.
To aid in a successful testing experience, candidates should:
- Learn about What to Expect While Taking an Exam.
- Verify you can take this 5–question quiz.
- Candidates should also download Chrome, Firefox, or Edge. Do NOT use Safari or Internet Explorer.
Passport Subscription
Did you know? You could receive 25% off of OneStream Certification exams with the OneStream Navigator Passport Subscription? Additionally, you'll receive exclusive access to a wealth of GES content including On-demand courses, Instructor-led training, Certification Prep Webinar recordings and 25% off OneStream Press books. Learn more about the OneStream Navigator Passport Subscription today!