OneStream Press
OneStream Publications
OneStream Press pairs with industry experts to encourage and support the development of accurate and useful technical textbooks. The publication of textbooks promotes understanding and awareness of OneStream products, ultimately increasing product advocacy and ensuring our customers’ success. Textbooks are developed across a broad range of topics that include everything from introduction topics and best practices to expert tips on new capabilities. OneStream Press is available to everyone, and we encourage you to help grow the OneStream community.
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OneStream Administrator Handbook
OneStream Administrator Handbook Administrators are integral to the day-by-day operations and overall wellbeing of a company’s financial ecosystem. Although each OneStream application is unique, the challenges that administrators face when managing the OneStream platform remain similar when it comes to processes and troubleshooting. Whether you are a novice or seasoned administrator, this book examines key concepts to help you understand and manage the financial and data processes of your OneStream application. Written for administrators, this book is filled with technical and functional contexts – whether syntax-related to business rules or general accounting concepts – and dives into practical examples and use cases that provide guidance and insights into commonly encountered themes.
Written By: Matt Ha, Eric Hanson, and Jannesa Zhang
Technical Editors: Chul Smith and Eric Osmanski

OneStream Advanced Reporting and Dashboards
Written for administrators, dashboard and report designers, plus end users, and filled with background knowledge and step-by-step guides, this book deep dives into cube views, dashboards, reporting, and highlights the tools and tricks that will take user experiences to a new level.
We examine how leveraging the full power of the OneStream Platform will help you move beyond the standard interface, align your end-user experiences with your business and process requirements, promote user adoption through efficiency and ease of use, and truly maximize the value of your OneStream implementation.
By the end of this book, you will have a deep understanding of the components that drive the user experience and how and when to use them. You’ll walk away with a plethora of tools and ideas to incorporate into your application to deliver your very own user experience.
Written by: Roy Googin, Jessica Toner and Andrea Tout
Technical Editors: John Rodgers and Peter Fugere

OneStream Financial Close Handbook
OneStream provides a market-leading Intelligent Finance Platform that reduces the complexity of financial operations. It unifies corporate performance management (CPM) processes such as planning, financial close and consolidation, reporting and analytics through a single, extensible solution.
The OneStream Financial Close Handbook—written by expert authors—is a practical book for implementors, administrators, and end-users, that dives into the Financial Close with a specific focus on the Account Reconciliations and Transaction Matching solutions.
Written by: Ryan Connors, Kelly Darren, Jessica McAlpine, Mike Malandra and Mike Queeney
Technical Editors: Shawn Stalker and Jason Ruge

OneStream Finance Rules and Calculations Handbook
Hundreds of companies have turned to OneStream to solve complex planning, consolidation and operational reporting needs. OneStream’s unique ability to provide a multitude of solutions across dozens of industries is largely due to its dynamic Finance Engine which provides the capability to add industry- and company-specific business intelligence to data. Employing the full power of the Finance Engine allows companies to extend the platform and fully exploit the power of their investment.
Aimed at everyone from novices to seasoned veterans, this handbook—by OneStream Distinguished Architect Jon Golembiewski—will break down the Finance Engine and outline how to write Finance Business Rules and Calculations. Its insights will help propel OneStream applications to the next level.
Written by: Jon Golembiewski
Technical Editors: Eric Osmanski and Tommy Sandi

OneStream Planning: The Why, How and When
Aimed at OneStream Planning practitioners, administrators, implementors, and power users alike, as well as Financial close and consolidations practitioners, OneStream Planning: The Why, How and When is the first standalone book in the performance management space to cover the power and potential of Planning in OneStream. Drawing from real-world deployments, the book is rooted in easily understood business use cases, and explains approaches (with code) through a comprehensive exploration of the solution. All this is offered within a framework of top functional and technical practice as informed by the authors’ decades-long consulting and application development experiences.
Written by: Cameron Lackpour and Celvin Kattookaran
Technical Editors: Mel Lenhardt and Jon Golembiewski

The OneStream Foundation Handbook
The Definitive Reference to Design, Configure and Support Your OneStream Platform. In this practical guide, The Architect Factory team at OneStream Software explains each part of an implementation, and the design of solutions. Readers will learn the core guiding principles for implementing OneStream from the company’s top team of experts. Beyond offering a training guide, the focus of this book is on the ‘why’ of design and building an application.
- Manage your Implementation with the OneStream methodology.
- Understand Design and Build concepts.
- Build solutions for the Consolidation of financial data, and develop Planning models.
- Create Data Integration solutions that will feed your models.
- Develop Workflows to guide and manage your End-Users.
- Advance your solutions with Rules and Security.
- Take advantage of detailed Data Reporting using tools such as Analytic Blend, Advanced Excel reporting, and Dashboarding.
- Tune Performance, and optimize your application.
Written by:
Peter Fugere, Greg Bankston, Eric Osmanski, Jonathan Golembiewski, John Von Allmen, Todd Allen, Nick Kroppe, Jacqui Slone, Nick Blazosky, Andy Moore, Sam Richards, Terry Shea, Shawn Stalker, Jeff Jones, Tony Dimitrie, Jody Di Giovanni, and Chul Smith

OneStream Press
Learn about working with OneStream to encourage and support the development of accurate technical textbooks, and also the potential of getting a book off the ground.