Predictive Analytics


Create Predictive Models

Create Predictive Models

Automatically generate forecasts from over 10 built-in predictive model types. Eliminate reliance on separate systems, spreadsheets or non-finance resources.

Remove Bias

Remove Bias

Create predictive models for forecast validation, seed baseline forecasts and focus on business value.

Increase Collaboration

Increase Collaboration

Share insights and collaborate using OneStream’s reports and visualizations. Enhance dialogue with business partners on critical analysis and decision-making.

Satisfied Customers

Capital One

Delivering 100% Customer Success

“The OneStream platform is now core to McCain Foods Limited – uniting consolidation, planning, tax and analysis teams. OneStream Services’ strong leadership and technical knowledge was instrumental in our successful implementation. Their ability to actively listen to our goals and objectives and interpret during the design phase allowed us to create a system not only to satisfy our immediate needs, but to address our future needs.”

Richard N. Burton

McCain Foods

  • Predictive Modeling Administration

    Target select datasets, define forecast duration and define scenario types.

    • Administer predictive models for any data within OneStream Cube Views.
    • Create unique forecasts for long range planning, rolling forecast and annual planning.
    • Define target forecast scenarios for use within various planning processes.
    Woman in a black shirt working closely with a friend
  • Automatically Generate and Visualize Forecasts

    Conquer the complexity of generating predictive models without data science expertise.

    • Choose from over 10 built-in forecast methods or automatically generate the highest performing models.
    • Model type includes Simple Moving Average, Exponential Smoothing, Seasonal Additive, ARIMA, SARIMA, Holts- Winters.
    • Visualize predictive models vs. history for trend analysis.
    Portrait shot of four people collaborating closely on a laptop
  • Deploy Across OneStream

    Leverage predictive models within OneStream forms, reports and dashboards.

    • Assist with the target setting to support strategic planning, budgeting and rolling forecasting.
    • Create baseline predictive forecast scenarios for comparison against bottom’s up forecasts from operational business partners.
    • Seed forecasts and plans with predictive models; enable users to focus plans such as adding or removing customers, plant shutdowns, new acquisitions, etc..
    Man and woman collaborating on a tablet in an office with indoor plants

Predictive Analytics Solutions

Man and woman in a bright office  smiling at someone outside of the frame

Capital Planning

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A man in a suit stands in front of a screen displaying charts while addressing three colleagues in an office.

People Planning Software

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Women collaborating at a table with pink tablet

Sales Planning & Operations

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Solutions Exchange

Predictive Analytics Resources

Woman presenting a bar chart graph on a screen in a bright windowed office

Advanced Analytics

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Close up of tablets hands and notebook
Solution Brief

Interactive Solution Brief: Leading at Speed with Predictive Analytics 123

View solution brief
A group of professionals talking about unified planning, reporting, and analytics

Look Forward to the Future of Unified Planning, Reporting & Analytics

View ebook
Blog Post

The Power of Driver-Based and Predictive FP&A

View blog post
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