Create Predictive Models
Automatically generate forecasts from over 10 built-in predictive model types. Eliminate reliance on separate systems, spreadsheets or non-finance resources.
Remove Bias
Create predictive models for forecast validation, seed baseline forecasts and focus on business value.
Increase Collaboration
Share insights and collaborate using OneStream’s reports and visualizations. Enhance dialogue with business partners on critical analysis and decision-making.
Delivering 100% Customer Success
“The OneStream platform is now core to McCain Foods Limited – uniting consolidation, planning, tax and analysis teams. OneStream Services’ strong leadership and technical knowledge was instrumental in our successful implementation. Their ability to actively listen to our goals and objectives and interpret during the design phase allowed us to create a system not only to satisfy our immediate needs, but to address our future needs.”
Richard N. Burton
McCain Foods
Predictive Analytics Solutions

Capital Planning

People Planning Software

Sales Planning & Operations
Predictive Analytics Resources

Advanced Analytics
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Interactive Solution Brief: Leading at Speed with Predictive Analytics 123
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Look Forward to the Future of Unified Planning, Reporting & Analytics
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The Power of Driver-Based and Predictive FP&A
View blog postTake Finance Further.
The only enterprise finance platform that unifies all your operational data, embeds AI for better productivity, and adapts to fit your exact needs.